Random Thoughts

I’ve just got some random thoughts for today. I’ve been doing a lot lately, so you may notice that this blog hasn’t been updated in a while, though I did manage to test out Aggregator to Blog posting and Email to Blog posting. The Email post worked, but sadly the Aggregator post failed to put a title to the article. Oh well.

First off, I’ve got a few select bands floating around my ears right now. Most of them aren’t really new, but you may want to check them out anyway. First off, I suggest picking up the newest Jimmy Eat World album, “Futures”. It has a nice, easy flow, and when you really feel like rocking out you can always play “Pain”, probably the most popular song on the album. I also recommend My Checmical Romance, “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge”, but then again, who hasn’t made a My Chem recommendation. And in case you didn’t see my last post, BUY Mezmerize. It is awesome. Finally, you should check out The Bravery and No Address, two really hot emerging rock bands. No Address will be playing in June with Seether (I can’t wait to get tickets), and I think I heard something about The Bravery going on tour soon.

Now, it’s off to the world of gaming. Definitely check out Area 51 for the Playstation 2. I played this a few months ago on an OPM demo disc, and then I saw a little bit more of it when I bought Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy (a great game by the way). Now, if you’re looking for a good RPG I suggest a game called Growlanser. My friend bought it a few months back at a local EB Games, and it rocks. Though I haven’t been able to find it since then.

Finally, there are a ton of awesome new shows coming to TV, most of them anime. Samurai Champloo made a strong debut on Adult Swim a few weeks back, and I’ve been addicted to it since then. s-CRY-ed and Paranoia Agent also kicked off last Saturday. Out of the two I’d have to say I’m more interested in Paranoia Agent, mainly because it’s a 9 part mini series, and we all know mini series rock. And I also heard the the Naruto anime is coming to Toonami this summer. That should be good. And if you’re a Ghost in the Shell fanatic like me, you’ll be happy to know that the second season of Stand Alone Complex returns to Adult Swim this fall.


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2 responses to “Random Thoughts

  1. Hello
    Uh, that mean lobster academically petted inside of the petulant hen. personal audio mini disc player

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